CPHA Canvax

"The first Ontario public health units to use social media took up the reins in 2008 or 2009; many spurred on by the H1N1 pandemic. In some ways we’re still playing catch-up, but in others we’re learning to leverage this new way of communicating to meet the mandate of the Ontario Public Health Standards.

On one hand, social media is just a new way to talk to the public, partners, and stakeholders. On the other, it requires a mental shift from the way we traditionally communicate, choosing what we want to talk about, when and how we’re going to talk about it. Social media is about building conversations and relationships. Using social channels allows us to enter the conversation; gaining the trust of our audiences lets us begin to influence. If we’re slow to respond, the conversation will go on without us.

Our hope is that this toolkit helps public health units at every stage of using social media take their efforts to the next level." - Social Media Toolkit for Ontario Public Health Units

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Planification et prestation de programmes,Promotion et communication,Marketing et campagnes Planification et prestation de programmes
Promotion et communication
Marketing et campagnes

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