CPHA Canvax

"Across the globe, there have been extensive challenges in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. As public health officials and health care providers work to contain the spread of the virus, Canadians are asking some key questions:

1- Where do we stand on the development of COVID-19 vaccines? 
2- Once successful vaccine candidates are identified, how will they be rolled out in Canada?
3- How would an internationally developed vaccine get to Canada?
4- What is Canada’s role in making a vaccine available to populations at risk around the world?

Panelists provided an overview of the current epidemiology of COVID-19 and discussed these questions. Participants posed their own questions to the panelists during a Q&A period."- Webinar: COVID-19 vaccine development: An update

Webinar slides can be accessed here

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Vaccine Safety,Research and Development,Vaccine Development,Monitoring and Surveillance,Outbreaks and Pandemics,COVID-19 Vaccine Safety
Research and Development
Vaccine Development
Monitoring and Surveillance
Outbreaks and Pandemics


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