A public health timeline to prepare for COVID-19 vaccines in Canada
Published: 2020Abstract
For control of COVID-19, community immunity is required, necessitating widespread immunization. COVID-19 vaccines are coming to Canada, with the government announcing in August 2020 agreements with four different companies for their COVID-19 vaccine if their trials are successful. Never before has public health had to rapidly develop a vaccine introduction program for multiple new but differing vaccines with the added pressure that the program is needed across all ages and in all Canadian communities and there is high probability of not enough vaccine to go around at the start. Traditional public health vaccine introduction planning will need to be both accelerated and more comprehensive to ensure optimal uptake across the country. This overview highlights a number of points for consideration by public health in their planning for COVID-19 vaccines before these COVID-19 vaccines are available, once they are available, once supplies are plentiful, and throughout the vaccine program. Targeted and tailored communications are key elements needed to reach and positively influence diverse communities, regions, ages, languages, education levels and lived experiences.
Product Type: Article
Program Planning and Delivery,Vaccine Management,Allocation and Distribution,Policy,Immunization Policies,Evaluations,Monitoring and Surveillance,Outbreaks and Pandemics,COVID-19 Program Planning and DeliveryVaccine Management
Allocation and Distribution
Immunization Policies
Monitoring and Surveillance
Outbreaks and Pandemics
Policy Makers
Population: Children (All)
High Risk Children
High Risk Adults
Healthcare Personnel
Region: National
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