Communicating the Benefits of Seasonal Influenza Vaccine during COVID-19
Organization: Association of Immunization ManagersImmunization Action Coalition (IAC)
Published: 2020
"The COVID-19 pandemic means preventing influenza during 2020–21 is more important than ever. Influenza and COVID-19 share many symptoms. Preventing influenza means fewer people will need to seek medical care and testing for possible COVID-19 or influenza. And increasing flu vaccination uptake saves healthcare resources for COVID-19 and other conditions. Begin recommending flu vaccine now, and vaccinate throughout the flu season, providing extra outreach to those at highest risk of severe COVID-19 or severe influenza." - Communicating the Benefits of Seasonal Influenza Vaccine during COVID-19
Resource Group:
Implementation Tool
Product Type: Fact Sheet
Promotion and Communication
Marketing and Campaigns
Monitoring and Surveillance
Outbreaks and Pandemics
Vaccine Preventable Diseases
Communicable Diseases
Product Type: Fact Sheet
Program Planning and Delivery,Promotion and Communication,Marketing and Campaigns,Monitoring and Surveillance,Outbreaks and Pandemics,COVID-19,Vaccine Preventable Diseases,Communicable Diseases,Influenza Program Planning and DeliveryPromotion and Communication
Marketing and Campaigns
Monitoring and Surveillance
Outbreaks and Pandemics
Vaccine Preventable Diseases
Communicable Diseases
Health Care Professional
Population: Children (All)
Pregnant and Breastfeeding People
Healthcare Personnel
Region: United States
Population: Children (All)
Pregnant and Breastfeeding People
Healthcare Personnel
Region: United States
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