A National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) update on invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) epidemiology and program-relevant considerations for preventing IMD in individuals at high risk of exposure
Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)Published: 2023
Following recent outbreaks of invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) in Canada and updates to provincial vaccination guidelines, the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) conducted a targeted review of evidence with a focus on immunization of adolescents and young adults. NACI reviewed national and international immunization recommendations for populations at high-risk of IMD, national IMD epidemiology and program-relevant considerations. Given the varied IMD epidemiology, NACI determined that recommending a pan-Canadian targeted program is currently challenging and that regional programs may be better suited to prevent IMD in population groups considered to be at high-risk of exposure. Further data is needed to ascertain contemporary risk factors for IMD (including activities and settings associated with bacterial acquisition, carriage and transmission) and estimate the true cost of meningococcal vaccine-preventable infections in Canada. To support provinces and territories in their decision-making, an outline of program-relevant elements for provincial and territorial consideration is provided.
Authors: Anne Pham-Huy, Joseline Zafack, Courtney Primeau, Oliver Baclic, Marina Salvadori, Shelley Deeks on behalf of the National Advisory Committee on Immunization
Product Type: Report
Program Planning and Delivery,Program Delivery and Evaluation,Program Evaluation,Vaccine Preventable Diseases,Communicable Diseases,Meningococcal Disease Program Planning and DeliveryProgram Delivery and Evaluation
Program Evaluation
Vaccine Preventable Diseases
Communicable Diseases
Meningococcal Disease
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